Typographic Design: Character Journal Letter Study

“I was initially attracted to the Gambado Scotch ‘g’ because of its organic nature. The different stroke weight as well as the curvature of the letter encourages the viewer’s eye to move with interest. The brain is not given the opportunity to dwell on a particular part, but rather, the opportunity to observe with curiosity. In addition to the lessons this character teaches me, the word ‘green’ invites me to have a deeper gratitude for not only the very color of my eyes, but the gift it is to see with them. In moving to college, my lack of experience begged me to delve into a fresh curiosity, growth, appreciation, and so much more. I have found myself infatuated by the color that my 3-year-old self adored more than anything. There is always more to learn, and sometimes being swept away by your childlike wonder can be a blessing.”

