Incomplete Prayer

Ever since returning from my 10-week long mission, I have been frustrated that I haven’t turned all of the sketches from my journal into complete art pieces.

These images that the Holy Spirit brought to me in prayer display how I see the goodness of the Lord, knowing good and well that words could never fully articulate the way He has been moving.

In my head, the “finished product” of a thought-out and meditated upon art piece would be able to reach more people.
Truthfully, I could not have been more wrong.

I saw personal growth when during my first year of college I stopped colorfully annotating every promise that Jesus made to me in prayer.
I was more eager to put black ink to paper in hopes that I could keep up with all He was trying to tell me.

This is why I decided to share these. Just 10 sketches out of a multitude found within my journal from this summer. One that changed who I am, how I love, how I create, and so much more.

Like these pieces, we are all unfinished. Raw and jagged edged. Short of color and perfection.

By the grace of God He meets us in our mess and humanity. He becomes like us so we understand how loved we are. What a gift worth celebrating!


He Offers Us His Back